Deploy Google Cloud resources with Terraform

Cloud Journeys with Anindita
3 min readJul 11, 2022


Terraform is a infrastructure as code (IaC) tool which helps to deploy infrastructure resources on public cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle Cloud, Ali Cloud etc. with few private clouds support. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to deploy GCP resources through Terraform.

Google Cloud resource deployment through Terraform


First, you need to setup the project in Google cloud console, if you don’t have one, create a new project from IAM & admin. Click on Create to create the project.

Make a note of the project Id since you’d require it in google providers block in terraform. Set up a service account with the Service Account Admin permission. Next, start creating the terraform configuration file, for this post, lets provision a GKE Node pool cluster. Here goes the terraform configuration for the file.

resource “google_service_account” “default” {

account_id = var.service_account_id

display_name = var.service_display_name


resource “google_container_cluster” “primary” {

name = var.primary_cluster_name

location = var.primary_cluster_location

remove_default_node_pool = true

initial_node_count = 1


resource “google_container_node_pool” “primary_preemptible_nodes” {

name = var.node_pool_cluster_name

cluster =

node_count = 1

node_config {

preemptible = true

machine_type = “e2-medium”

service_account =

oauth_scopes = [





In the providers section, make sure to mention the GCP project Id instead of project. You can also authenticate to GCloud console before terraform deployment with this command

gcloud auth application-default login

gcloud config set project $project_id

Once, the GKE cluster is being deployed, it looks like as the following on the gcloud dashboard of the kubernetes cluster section.

GKE cluster

The parameters like gke_cluster_name, location, region, service_endpoint etc. are immutable for a cluster including the features from networking like vpc, subnet details, cluster pod address ranges, service address ranges, confidential gke nodes, metadata etc.

You can click on “Connect” button from the GKE cluster from the gcp portal. Copy the kubectl command line access commands in order to connect to the GKE cluster. You may paste the following nginx deployment yaml manifest to deploy into the GKE cluster.

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


name: nginx-demo


name: nginx-demo



- image:

name: nginx

Additionally, you can also view the gke monitoring dashboard to view the overall cluster health status, each individual node health report, CPU, memory, storage/disk capacity according to namespaces, each workload types, container restarts, error logs, cpu/memory/disk utilization to up to pods & container level capacity display.

GKE Cluster Monitoring Dashboard

You may further drill-down to metrics for container CPU, memory, ephemeral storage, pod & container network ingress & egress, pod volume, alerts, logging, events etc.

GKE Cluster monitoring metrics

The sample terraform configurations for the gcloud resources are committed in the following GitHub repo for reference.



Cloud Journeys with Anindita
Cloud Journeys with Anindita

Written by Cloud Journeys with Anindita

Cloud Architect. Azure, AWS certified. Terraform & K8, Cloud Native expert. Passionate with GenAI. Views are own.

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